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Frequently asked questions

What services do you offer?
We offer a comprehensive range of services including web development, digital marketing, social media management, SEO, content creation, and online presence optimization.
How can a strong online presence benefit my business?
A strong online presence increases your brand's visibility, helps attract more customers, improves credibility, and ultimately boosts sales and growth.
What is your web development process?
Our web development process includes consultation, planning, design, development, testing, and deployment. We ensure a seamless and collaborative process to deliver a website that meets your business needs.
How long does it take to develop a website?
The timeline for developing a website varies based on complexity and requirements. On average, a standard website takes about 4-6 weeks from planning to launch.
Can you help with SEO to improve my website’s ranking?
Absolutely! Our SEO services include keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, content creation, and performance tracking to improve your website’s search engine rankings.
How much does a new website cost?
The cost of a new website varies depending on its complexity, design requirements, and features. We offer customized quotes based on your specific needs. Contact us for a detailed estimate.

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Frequently asked questions

New multiple site connectivity
We use a newly developed technology to connect sites that are based on different types of servers and networks, SiteConnect, which helps to reduce the misinterpretation of signals as well as the loss of data during transfering.
IT security & software
To keep your systems, your devices, and network stay secure, we have developed a new program that limits the access of suspicious objects or people and authenticate all logins to the system.
Weak hosted capability
Some hosts are unaware of the potential risks as well as security loopholes in their system. By detecting these errors and taking prompt actions on improving firewalls, we can upgrade the system security.
Build internal network
The internal network is essential for all companies and corporations, especially for those working in IT sector. To avoid possible risks when sharing internal confidential files and documentation to an external receiver, internal network must be strong.
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