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Sahyadri Film Production

Sahyadri Film Production


सह्याद्री फिल्म प्रॉडक्शनची स्थापना 2019 मध्ये संस्थापक आणि उद्योजक श्री प्रशांत शिंगाटे यांनी मराठी चित्रपट, कला आणि संस्कृतीचे जगाच्या नकाशावर एक स्थान निर्माण करण्याच्या उद्देशाने केली. प्रशांत शिंगटे यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली, सह्याद्री फिल्म प्रॉडक्शनने अनेक कलाकारांना काम करण्याच्या संधी दिल्या आहेत आणि पुढेही देत राहणार आहे.


Sahyadri Film Production

Film Production

Showcasing Marathi cinema, art, and culture on a global stage with Sahyadri Film Production.


Our Solution

Our solution

Develop an engaging and visually appealing website to showcase Marathi cinema, art, and culture.
Design a vibrant and user-friendly website with high-quality visuals, intuitive navigation, and dedicated sections for films, artists, and cultural content.
Provide a platform for artists to showcase their work and connect with audiences.
Create artist profiles with portfolios, social media links, and contact information, along with a feature to showcase their latest projects and achievements.
Ensure the platform is accessible to a diverse audience, including non-Marathi speakers.
Implement multilingual support, offering content in Marathi and English, with easy language-switching options for a broader reach.
Sahyadri Film Production

How our services bring about success

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